ClickCease Longer, Thicker Eyelashes with Latisse – Our Product of the Week - Zadeh, Michael (
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Are your eyelashes getting thinner as you get older? Well stop waiting and make your eyelashes grow longer, fuller and darker with Latisse®. Latisse is the first and only FDA-approved product indicated to treat hypotrichosis of the eyelashes by increasing their growth– including length, thickness, and darkness.

 Longer, Thicker Eyelashes with Latisse   Our Product of the Week

How Latisse Works:

  • Prolongs the active growth phase of eyelashes
  • Latisse is applied once-a-day (usually before bedtime) to the base of the upper eyelashes.
  • You will notice your lashes getting longer, thicker, and fuller after 8 weeks, with best results seen after 12-16 weeks.


Latisse makes lash growth possible because of its active ingredient – Bimatoprost.


Tips to getting the best results with Latisse:

  • Try not to skip any applications. Make it part of your nightly routine.
  • Store Latisse near you so it can always catch your eye before bed.
  • Always use only the disposable applicator.
  • Be germ free! Don’t let the applicator touch anything but the base of your upper eyelash.
  • Make sure your eye makeup is completely removed before using Latisse.

 Longer, Thicker Eyelashes with Latisse   Our Product of the Week

Like always, as our featured Product of the Week we will be offering 10% off Latisse until 3/31/2013. Our skin care specialists are available to help you take advantage of this excellent offer.