by Dr. Zadeh | Aug 15, 2022 | Botox, CoolSculpting, EMSculpt, For Men, Hair Restoration, ThermiSmooth, ThermiTight, Tips, Ultherapy
It wasn’t so long ago that spa treatments, both beauty and medical, were considered to be the domain of women. As the world thankfully starts to become more inclusive and in turn skeptical of traditional ‘masculine’ rules that were followed for generations, spas are...
by Dr. Zadeh | Aug 8, 2022 | Botox, Diet, Facials, Living Healthy, Skin Care, Tips
The first and earliest signs of aging for both men and women usually appear on the face. Your face is the body part that is most exposed to the elements and your environment so it makes perfect sense that things like fine lines and creases start to appear there before...
by Dr. Zadeh | Jun 27, 2022 | Botox, Cosmetics, Education, Fillers, For Men, Living Healthy
Why didn’t my botox work or why didn’t it last? When it comes to cosmetic procedures that are considered by many to be just as common and normal as something like keeping a hair appointment or visiting a dentist, it would be fair to say that botox...
by Dr. Zadeh | Apr 7, 2017 | Botox
You’ve spent a lot of money on Botox injections to get rid of your wrinkles but have seen no results. You’re not alone. We see many people that come to us from other places and tell us that “Botox doesn’t work for me” or “I’m...
by Dr. Zadeh | Sep 19, 2015 | Cosmetics
Starting to see wrinkles and lines on your face? Yes, sooner or later we are all going to see the signs of aging. But, you don’t have to rush to get plastic surgery just yet. There are many benefits to surgery, but there are also some risks. While surgery can...