ClickCease Cheap Skin Care Products Cause Mercury Poisoning - Z Cosmetic Health
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The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) recently issued a health alert due to multiple cases of mercury poisoning caused by certain skin-lightening or acne creams from Mexico. The CDPH Food and Drug Laboratory found these creams to contain very high levels of mercury-up to 210,000 parts per million (ppm), or 21 percent. In the United States, it is illegal to sell skin cream products that contain 1 ppm or more of mercury.

The products under investigation come in plastic containers that have either no label or a hand-made label. They were purchased on the street in California cities through informal networks of friends or brought into the United States from Mexico. The creams are non-commercial and are used for lightening the skin; fading freckles, blemishes, and age spots; and treating acne.

The full health alert along with signs and symptoms of mercury poisoning can be found at the following link pers/Health_Alert%20_Mercury_Poisonings_from_Mexican_creams_5_2014.pdf

Again, this health alert shows the importance of purchasing any medical grade skin care products from a trusted source such as an authorized physician’s office. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about the authenticity of any skin care products you may have purchased or are currently using. We are here to assist you!