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Thinning hair can affect your confidence, your mood, and your quality of life. But if you’re experiencing thinning hair, there’s a simple, non-surgical treatment that can help you fight back against hair loss: hair restoration with stem cells, offered here at the Z Center for Cosmetic Health.

Hair restoration with stem cells is a fast, non-surgical treatment that can thicken and replenish thinning hair. This type of hair restoration is a new, very promising treatment for thinning hair. But because stem cell hair restoration is so new, many people don’t know how it works— or even that it exists. To help you understand what stem cell hair restoration is, how it works, and what the procedure is like, we’ve put together this guide to this revolutionary new treatment. Read on to learn everything you need to know about hair restoration with stem cells.

What is Hair Restoration with Stem Cells and How Does it Work?

Stem cell hair restoration is a treatment that can maximize hair growth in areas of thinning hair using your own stem cells. It is a non-surgical, regenerative medicine treatment that works by improving the health of the body’s own hair follicles. To explain how stem cells can do this, let’s first talk a bit about what causes thinning hair and balding.

Hair thinning occurs when the body stops sending new growth signals to hair follicles in the scalp. Over time, this causes human hair follicles to shrink, which leads to thinner, wispier hair. Over an extended period of time, the hair follicles can close entirely, which prevents hair growth altogether, causing hair loss.

So, how can stem cells help fight this hair loss? Stem cells are a unique type of cell that can divide in self-renewal. They can also make new types of cells that the body can no longer normally produce on its own. When stem cells are applied to damaged, shrunken hair follicles (which contain thinner, wispier hair), they can replenish the damaged cells within these follicles. This helps to re-trigger hair growth, thickening and replenishing the hair. It can also stop hair follicles from closing, helping to prevent total hair loss.

It’s important to note that, due to the way stem cell hair restoration works, this treatment is only effective on thinning hair, not on completely bald parts of the scalp. However, stem cell hair restoration is an excellent treatment for thinning hair and is a great non-surgical alternative for those who do not want to undergo hair transplantation.

blonde woman with back to camera, playing with hair

Where Do Stem Cells Come From?

While many people associate stem cells with embryos alone, adults also have stem cells in most tissues within their body. The multipotent stem cells found in adults are called mesenchymal stem cells. 

In adults, stem cells are most prevalent in bone marrow and fat. Adipose tissue, the layer of fat that lies just below your skin, happens to be particularly rich in stem cells. It’s also quite easy to extract fat cells from adipose tissue using liposuction, so these stem cells are often the ones used for stem cell treatments. 

Stem Cell Hair Restoration vs. PRP Therapy 

Is stem cell hair restoration the same thing as platelet rich plasma (PRP) hair therapy? While these are both non-surgical hair thinning treatments, they are quite different. 

Stem cell hair restoration is a hair thinning treatment that involves applying stem cells to thinning hair. With this treatment, stem cells work to replenish damaged hair follicles, restoring fullness to the hair. PRP therapy is a three step treatment that involves drawing someone’s blood, processing it in a centrifuge, then applying platelet rich plasma from the blood to thinning hair. It’s thought that the growth factors in platelet rich plasma may help support current hair follicles and provide nutrition to dormant hair follicles. 

What is Getting Hair Restoration With Stem Cells Like?

Hair restoration with stem cells is a fast, non-surgical treatment that requires absolutely no downtime and causes no scarring. During a stem cell hair restoration treatment, stem cells will be applied to your scalp through a series of injections. Depending on your level of hair thinness and your hair goals, you may require multiple stem cell treatments (given every 4 weeks). Each stem cell hair restoration treatment is quick and takes only around 30 minutes.

After a stem cell hair restoration treatment, you can immediately resume your normal daily activities. Improvements from stem cell hair restoration continue to develop for 6 months after your last treatment.

Who is a Good Candidate for Stem Cell Therapy? 

Anyone with thinning hair may be a good candidate for stem cell hair restoration. This treatment can be used to restore fullness to a thinning hairline, improve overall hair density, and address female and male androgenetic alopecia (female and male pattern baldness). 

Note that stem cell hair regeneration is a hair thinning treatment, not a hair loss treatment. It cannot cause hair regrowth or new hair growth on areas of complete baldness, so it’s not optimal for those with complete baldness. 

Hair Restoration With Stem Cells in Sherman Oaks

The Z Center for Cosmetic Health is proud to be among the first providers of hair restoration with stem cells in the Los Angeles area. If you’re experiencing hair thinning and are considering stem cell hair restoration, make a consultation appointment at our office today. At your consultation appointment, Dr. Zadeh will examine your hair, listen to your aesthetic concerns, and help you decide if hair restoration with stem cells is the ideal hair therapy for you.